Holly Bobo Update: Investigators Discover Break In Case Of Missing Tennessee Student

Investigators in Tennessee announced they may have discovered a break in the case of missing nursing student Holly Bobo, ABC News reported.

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigations is expected to hold a news conference later Wednesday to update the public with more information.

Bobo was last seen leaving her home in April 2011, reportedly being dragged out by a man in camouflage. Bobo's brother, Clint, initially believed the man was his sister's boyfriend.

A Twitter account linked to findinghollybobo.com has uploaded a series of tweets regarding the break.

"The press release involves charges #HollyBobo," @NewsOnHollyBobo tweeted.

News of a possible break comes just one week after officials investigated a property near Holloday, about 15 miles away from Bobo's home. However, the owner of the property was arrested on unrelated charges and has not been named as a person of interest, according to ABC News.

Within the years following her disappearance, police said they eventually stopped searching for the missing teen and have zero suspects.

Bobo has blonde hair and blue eyes and was last seen wearing a pink shirt and light-blue jeans.