Detroit Woman Jumps From Car on Highway, Thinking She Was Being Kidnapped

The woman reportedly panicked when she saw a Port Huron sign

A woman allegedly high on marijuana jumped out of a moving vehicle onto a Detroit area highway after she said she thought she was being kidnapped.

The Michigan State Police released details on the incident.

They say the 31-year-old woman was in the back of a ride-share car on I-96 in Detroit on Sunday afternoon.

Police say she mistakenly thought she was being kidnapped and panicked.

As troopers were investigating the incident, a ride-share driver called and said that a woman had jumped out of his vehicle after she said that she did not like the route he was taking her downtown.

The woman was transported to a hospital in an alert and stable condition.

Police say she was under the influence of marijuana and had anxiety because she saw a sign that said Port Huron.

Police Lt. Mike Shaw said, "This woman was very lucky she wasn't seriously hurt during this incident."

Police say the woman is being turned over to her family and they are closing the kidnapping investigation as unfounded.

Detroit, Highway, Kidnapping