WATCH: Tail-Wagging Dogs Get Into the Beat, Conduct Orchestra

'So, when tail went down, we had to play softer or quieter,' said a violinist

Some dogs got into treble recently by using their wagging tails to help conduct an orchestra — and got mixed reviews from the musicians.

"They must be crazy," said one (human) performer.

The unusual arrangement was composed by the Pedigree pet food company, which posted a compilation video on YouTube that it said shows the stunt involving the Polish Radio Orchestra and a series of pooches presented with "different stimuli."

They included a chew toy that looked like a stalk of broccoli, a charcoal grill and what the company said were its dog treats — which apparently prompted some very excited tail wagging and sped-up playing of an orchetra full of instruments.

"So, when tail went down, we had to play softer or quieter," said a violinist named Kamila, People reported.

Pedigree also posted recordings of three short "Tail Orchestra" symphonies on the Spotify music-streaming website, with the movements of Symphony No. 1 titled "Toothbrush," "Squirrel Toy" and "Pedigree Dentastix."

Each listen will prompt an unspecified donation to the nonprofit Pedigree Foundation, which has donated more than $12 million to dog shelters and rescue groups since 2008, the company said.

Dogs, Dog treats, Poland, Radio