A heart-stopping runway bounce by a massive Lufthansa Boeing 747 was captured this week in a dramatic video at the Los Angeles International Airport.
"Whoah, whoah, whoah! Wow! Holy moly!" said the host of the streaming site Airline Videos Live as the Boeing's back wheels slammed down on the runway, then bobbled up with the aircraft's nose still in the air. The jumbo jet immediately took off without fulling touching down and circled back around to try to stick the landing in a second attempt.
The near-accident occurred Tuesday as Flight LH 465 was headed to Los Angeles from Frankfort with 326 passengers and 19 crew members on board, a Lufthansa representative told FOX 11 in L.A.
The aircraft landed minutes time later without incident, and no one was injured, according to Lufthansa, which did not detail what might have cause the jolting runway encounter.
"Following an assessment by the cockpit crew, a consultation with the technical department on site and in Frankfurt and an initial visual inspection, the aircraft flew back to Frankfurt," the Lufthansa Group spokesperson said. "There it will undergo an additional inspection."