Nearly Half of Americans Want Colleges to Bar Pro-Palestinian Protests: Poll

The survey was conducted between April 27 and 28 before the police crackdowns began

Pro Palestinian protests
Pro-Palestinian groups rally on the campus of Columbia University in New York City last week before the NYPD dismantled the encampment. CHARLY TRIBALLEAU/AFP via Getty Images

Nearly half of Americans believe universities should bar pro-Palestinian demonstrations on campus, and an overwhelming majority say school officials should ask police to protect students, according to a Morning Consult poll.

The survey, conducted between April 27 and 28 before the police crackdowns began, found that 47% of those surveyed support banning the anti-Israel protests that have been rocking schools across the country in the past couple of weeks.Thirty percent do not support a ban.

Another 41% say pro-Israel demonstrations should also be prohibited.

A whopping 76% think school officials should reach out to police to protect students, with 76% of Democrats, 79% of Republicans and 71% of Independents agreeing, the poll released Wednesday shows.

Most Americans - 46% to 29% - also believe school leaders should make statements condemning Hamas' "actions against Israel," but 42% say they shouldn't speak out against Israel's "actions in Gaza."

Thirty-three percent support such statements.

More than half - 56% - of Americans 65 and up support blocking the pro-Palestinian protests, while 41% of those 18-34, 45% of those 35-44, and 47% of those 45-64 do.

Asked about one of the demands among protesters that the schools divest from Israeli companies or businesses that profit from the war in Gaza, only 38% of Americans support that idea.

Thirty-two percent oppose and 31% say they don't know or have no opinion.

The survey polled 1,986 registered voters. It has a plus/minus 2 percentage points margin of error.

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