Zebra Captured After Nearly Week on the Lam

4 zebras escaped a trailer while they were being moved to Montana

The last of four zebras on the run for almost six days in Washington state has been safely captured.

Regional Animal Services of King County announced the final zebra, named Shug, was rounded up on Friday.

The tiny herd escaped from a trailer on I-90 near North Bend on April 28. The first of three of them were quickly captured after the crew trotted along the highway, causing traffic tieups.

The owner was moving the zebras from Winlock, Washington, to Anaconda, Montana, when she stopped just off I-90 to fix a problem with the trailer. When she went to secure the trailer, the four zebras bolted.

They'll now all be be transported to Montana.

Shug roamed the foothills of the Cascades for days. Residents occasionally spotted it running through the area.

Private citizens joined with animal control officers to rescue the zebra on Friday evening. She appeared to be in good condition.

Zebra, Washington, Animals