Virginia Serial Killer: Authorities Link Killing Of Music Teacher To Two Other Murders

Authorities in Virginia announced they may have found a link between three different murders that occurred in the state within the last decade, the New York Daily News reported.

According to ballistics tests, the bullet that killed Ruthanne Lodato in February likely came from the same gun that killed Ronald Kirby in November and Nancy Dunning in 2004.

"The similarities and unusual nature of all three shootings occurring in Alexandria required the police department to consider the possibility that all the cases are linked together," said Police Chief Earl Cook.

All three victims were shot at home.

"We will stay on these cases," the police chief said. "We have never given up."

A caretaker who was home with Lodato during the shooting was able to give authorities a description of the man -- an older, balding man with a beard.

The caretaker was shot in the arm but survived.

However, Cook said it's still too early to determine that a serial killer is on the loose based on minute evidence and no common connection between the murders.

He also said the FBI is assisting Virginia investigators in the cases, many of whom have received tips over the past few weeks.

"Our plea today is not just for the Lodato case," Cook said. "Please keep your information coming."