Fraternity Ejects Ole Miss Member Who Made Monkey Noises at Black Pro-Palestinian Protester

Georgia Republican Congressman hailed the racist taunt as 'taking care of business' by University of Mississippi

The Phi Delta Theta fraternity has kicked out a member who was videotaped making monkey noises last week at a Black woman participating in a pro-Palestinian protest at the University of Mississippi in Oxford.

The unidentified student was surrounded by other apparent fraternity members on fraternity row, one in flag coveralls, who laughed and cheered while he hooted and jumped from foot to foot in mock monkey behavior. Several chanted: "Lock her up."

The antics were later praised by Georgia Republican Rep. Mike Collins.

The Phi Delta Theta fraterniity said in a statement issued Monday that it "recognizes that freedom of expression is part of the collegiate experience."

But it "determined that the individual's behavior was unacceptable. The action in question was offensive, outside the bounds of this discourse, and contradictory to our values," the statement added.

The "removal of membership" was made after "disciplinary due process" in "partnership with local alumni, undergraduate leadership, and the university," the fraternity said.

The "situation will continue to be monitored in cooperation with any further investigation," it added.

The behavior was hailed on X by Collins. "Ole Miss, taking care of business," he crowed in a tweet posted on X with the video.

There was no immediate response from Collins' office following the decision by Phi Delta Theta.

Ole Miss, Racism, Fraternity, Gaza