Pastor Who Stared Down Barrel of Gun Mid-Sermon Says 'God Jammed' Shooter's Weapon

'They got in my mind and told me to shoot the pastor'

Pastor Glenn Germany, a Pennsylvania pastor who found himself staring down the barrel of a gun during a live sermon, is crediting divine intervention with saving his life.

"He pulled the gun; it clicked. You heard him shoot it," Germany told WPXI-TV. "God jammed the gun so the bullet didn't come out."

The video below plays back a livestream of the service while Germany was delivering a sermon when suddenly a gunman walks toward the front of the church and points a pistol directly at the pastor.

Police identified the attempted shooter as Bernard Junior Polite, who allegedly told the authorities that the voices in his head told him to do it.

Allegheny County Police officers also discovered a man's body who was shot dead inside Polite's home on Sunday night.

It remains unclear if Polite, 26, is connected to the fatal shooting.

The suspect was not a member of the church.

Church, Pennsylvania, Gun, Bullet, Mental illness, Voices