Daylight Saving Tidbits You May Not Know About

Representative Brad Sherman California lawmaker supported moving the clock forward two hours in the spring, a move dubbed "double daylight saving" in 2011, The Los Angeles Times reported. Here are other tidbits about daylight savings time you may not know about.

Daylight savings time began in 1918 an official petition was sent to the White House this year to get rid of it, the LA Times reported.

In the state of Arizona, the Navajo Nation reservation is the only part of Arizona which participates in daylight savings time, according to the LA Times. Hawaii and Arizona are the only two states in the United States which do not participate in daylight savings time.

In 2005, President George W. Bush signed an energy bill into law that extended daylight saving time by four weeks, the LA Times reported.

According to the LA Times, Benjamin Franklin is largely credited with creating the concept of daylight saving time.

Most of the state of Indiana didn't participate in daylight saving time until 2006, the LA Times reported.

A boy was born before DST took effect in North Carolina in 2007 and his twin sister was born after the clocks fell back, according to the LA Times. Although she entered the world after her brother, the time shift meant that her birth was recorded as taking place as an hour earlier, meaning she was officially "older" than her brother.