Harry Winston
(Photo : Michael Loccisano/Getty Images )
The Harry Winston store in Paris was reportedly robbed on Saturday. (File)

Armed robbers reportedly stole millions of dollars of jewelry from a posh Paris boutique in a bold daytime heist.

The robbery took place at the Harry Winston store, self-described as the "Jeweler to the Stars."

French police said the armed robbers arrived on motorbikes, quickly entered the jewelry store and immediately began smashing glass cases.

They fired a warning shot into the air but no on was hurt, the Associated Press reported.

Police would not confirm that Harry Winston was the store that was robbed, but a store employee who answered the phone on the scene confirmed the robbery there — though hung up without giving details or his name. 

The Paris prosecutor's office in charge of the investigation would only confirm that the robbery occurred at a store on luxe Avenue Montaigne, where Harry Winston is located.

The pricey boutique was cordoned off as police investigators went in and out Saturday afternoon. 

Citing a source, the Daily Mail said millions of dollars worth of jewels were stolen.

The same store has been hit before.

Robbers targeted the store in October 2007 and December 2008, ACTU17 reported.

Eight men received sentences ranging from 9 months to 15 years in prison in a 2015 trial connected to those heists.