Get Inside The Minds Of These Mars One Applicants Ready To Leave Earth Forever (VIDEO)

As the nonprofit Mars One makes the final selections for its 2024 one-way expedition to Mars, some applicants are facing a burdensome dilemma- do they stay on Earth or follow their desire to live on the Red Planet, forever leaving their loved ones.

Mars One applicant Ken Sullivan is torn between going or staying with his wife and two kids.

"My little boy Connor, if he just came up to me and said, 'Dad, don't go,' that would probably change my mind," Sullivan said during an interview with four other Mars One applicants.

The interview, titled "Mars One Way," reveals the thoughts of five potential finalists for the one-way trip to Mars.

Over 200,000 people worldwide applied for the trip. Mars One's goal is to set up the first permanent human colony on Mars. The first trip is scheduled for 2024, with crews of four being sent to the Red Planed every two years. Though Mars One plans to have the technology to get humans to Mars, they do not have the ability to bring them home.

"I think it could be something I could do," applicant Cody Reeder said in the interview video produced by Vita Brevis Films. "I think I could leave."

Sullivan's wife, Becky, is baffled that her husband could even think about leaving if he is chosen.

"How do you react when your husband says, 'Guess what? It's one way. I'm not coming back?' " Becky Sullivan said. "I'm kind of in the 'It's not real' phase right now."

"There's a lot more drama in our relationship lately," Ken Sullivan said, "about the reality of, are you choosing family or are you choosing Mars?"

But for some applicants, the potential loss of loved ones does not apply.

"I don't have any important reasons to be on Earth right now," applicant Will Robbins said. "So I'm really not leaving that much behind."

Mars One appicant Casey Hunter said his life never had a set direction. He wants to "donate" himself to something that is historic, even if it means being gone forever.

"Once you're gone, you are technically dead here on Earth," Hunter said. "And I'm OK with that."

Mars One Way from VITA BREVIS FILMS on Vimeo.