Cab Driver Tries to Run Over Jewish Students in Horrifying Video: 'I'm Gunna Kill All The Jews'

The man reportedly yelled 'I'm gonna kill all the Jews' as he targeted the men outside a Jewish school in Brooklyn.

Jewish school in Brooklyn
The NYPD is investigating in incident in which a driver jumped the car and tried to strike several students outside of a Jewish school in Brooklyn on Wednesday. STEFANI REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images

A man yelling "I'm gonna kill all the Jews" tried to run down several Orthodox students and a rabbi as he drove his vehicle along a sidewalk outside a Brookly Jewish school on Wednesday, according to reports.

Video released by the Flatbush Shomrim Safety Patrol shows the driver gunning his engine and jumping the curb as the car makes a bee-line toward several Orthodox Jews standing outside a yeshiva in Canarsie, the New York Post reported.

The driver was identified as Asghar Ali, a 58-year-old Pakistani immigrant livery cab driver, the New York Post reported, citing police sources.

Ali has a history of mental illness, the report said.

The NYPD's Hate Crimes Task Force is investigating the incident.

He faces more than a dozen charges, including attempted murder, attempted assault and hate crimes.

But police have no evidence he was connected to any radical groups and do not believe it was terror related, the outlet reported.

Driving a 2011 white Crown Victoria, the suspect headed toward the students and the rabbi who were in front of the Mesivta Nachlas Yakov School, according to the police and the video.

The man then drove around the block and made another attempt.

"I'm gonna kill all the Jews," the driver screamed, the New York Post reported, citing police.

No one was injured in the incident.

The safety patrol notified the NYPD, who arrested the driver nearby.

"We were able to retrieve the video footage. We got the guy's plate number," Bob Moskovitz, executive coordinator of the Shomrim patrol, told the New York Post. "Obviously it was a very distinct car, a Crown Vic, an old model. You don't see too many of those around."

"We were told by the people at the school that he hangs around, he drives around the neighborhood," he said. "And one of our members, when he was doing his daily patrol canvassing around the neighborhood, saw the car."

Police sources told the newspaper that the driver has been living in the U.S. for more than 20 years and is considered an "emotionally disturbed" person.

He has four prior arrests.

Brooklyn, NYPD
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