(Photo : SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)
President Joe Biden speaks with World War II veteran Robert Gibson during the ceremony marking the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion in France. Gibson, 100, advised the 81-year-old president, "Don't get old."

From a centenarian to an octogenarian: "Don't get old."

President Joe Biden, 81, was honoring military veterans who stormed the beaches of Normandy on the invasion's 80th anniversary when a 100-year-old offered him some age-old advice.

"Don't get old," Robert Gibson told Biden, who was a toddler when D-Day took place, the Associated Press reported.

Veterans, many of whom were in their teens during the invasion, were helped out of their wheelchairs at the ceremony, with some saluting or hugging the commander in chief.

When Biden, who was accompanied by First Lady Jill Biden, discovered it was one veteran's birthday, he led the audience in singing Happy Birthday.

Biden was one of several world leaders at events marking the massive Allied landing in 1944.

French President Emmanuel Macron awarded the Legion of Honor to 11 U.S. veterans and a British female veteran.