New Sexually Transmitted Infection Hits US — And New York Has Patient Zero

'Cases have been on the rise in Europe, especially among men'

New STD Hits US - NYC
Health experts are warning of new and highly contagious fungal strains in the US after the first reported case in New York. Photo by YURI CORTEZ/AFP via Getty Images

A new sexually transmitted infection has emerged in the US, with the first case reported in New York City.

Experts are warning of new and highly contagious fungal strains after a New York man in his 30s developed a sexually transmitted form of ringworm.

"Healthcare providers should be aware that Trichophyton mentagrophytes type VII [TMVII] is the latest in a group of severe skin infections to have now reached the United States," said Dr. Avrom S. Caplan, an assistant professor in NYU Grossman School of Medicine's dermatology department.

Caplan is the co-author of a case study published Wednesday that describes the unidentified man infected with TMVII as having a rash on his penis, buttocks, and limbs.

Cases of TMVII have been on the rise in Europe, especially among men who have sex with men.

The New Yorker from the new case study had visited England, Greece, and California and reported having intercourse with men during his travels, none of whom mentioned similar skin issues.

"Since patients are often reluctant to discuss genital problems, physicians need to directly ask about rashes around the groin and buttocks, especially for those who are sexually active, have recently traveled abroad, and report itchy areas elsewhere on the body," study senior author Dr. John G. Zampella advised.

Zampella says that infections caused by TMVII seem to react to standard antifungal therapies such as the medication terbinafine (also known as Lamisil); however, it can take months before the rash clears up.

The lesions look similar to those caused by eczema, which could cause confusion and delay treatment.

Another contagious skin infection that creates similar-like lesions as TMVII is Trichophyton indotineae, which is widespread in India and was first confirmed in the US last year.

It often rejects terbinafine treatment and is proving to be a challenge for dermatologists.

Researchers from the NYU Grossman School of Medicine analyzed data from 11 men and women treated for Trichophyton indotineae in New York City hospitals between May 2022 and May 2023, seven of whom received standard doses of terbinafine.

The rashes did not immediately heal, which experts reveal could be because of genetic mutations in the fungus.

The antifungal pill itraconazole brought better results, but Caplan cautioned that the drug can interfere with other medications and cause multiple side effects.

So far, rates remain low for both TMVII and Trichophyton indotineae in the U.S.

Caplan and his team hope to expand their research into the two species of fungus over the next several months.

New York, Europe, India, Fungus