Several Hurt When E-Bike Rider Tosses Firework Into Crowd Near Southern Califiornia Pier

Bystanders tried to catch the teen but he and a group of pals got away

Several people suffered minor injuries when a group of teens on electric bikes set off fireworks near a beach in southern California.

The incident took place around 8:30 p.m. Saturday at the Hermosa Beach Pier Plaza, according to reports.

Video recordings showed a large firework explode near a lifeguard stand on the beach, after which several young people were seen riding away on e-bikes, local TV station KTLA 5 reported Sunday.

The bikers then rode onto Pier Avenue, an area teeming with shops, bars and restaurants, where one teen tossed a lit firework that sent flaming embers into a crowd of people.

There were several minor injuries but none that required hospital treatment, police told KTLA.

"It was a loud explosion," Beau Bowden, who was working security at Patrick Molloy's pub, told NBC Los Angeles. "It hurt a lot of people's eardrums and a lot of it sprayed a lot of people in the face and including one of our customers."

John Fahmy said he was struck on the back of his head and ears while walking his bike through the area.

"My ears were ringing crazy for a few minutes," he told NBC Los Angeles.

Bystanders reportedly tried to stop the teens but they escaped before police arrived at the scene.

Two boys later returned and were taken into custody, then released to their parents after video showed neither tossed the firework into the crowd.

Police said they've identified a suspect who could face a felony assault charge, NBC Los Angeles said.

Teens, Fireworks, Injuries
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