Oscar Pistorius Murder Trial: ‘The Bladerunner’ Pukes During Trial

Oscar Pistorius threw up in court after a pathologist graphically described the bullet injuries of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp after he shot her.

Dr Gert Saayman testified that the bullets went into Steenkamp's head, ran under her skull and into the brain before coming out. He stated that the bullets, known as expanding bullets, damaged the tissues in Steenkamp that led to discoloration in some parts of her body.

Pistorius was visibly upset with the description and vomited in the courtroom. A bucket was placed next to him later.

The testimony was so graphic that the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria ruled that it should not be broadcast. Judge Thokozile Masipa ordered that no tweets or graphic explanation should be provided, reports the abc NEWS.

The court was also adjourned for some time to give Pistorius time to recover and the judge offered to delay the testimony. But the double-amputee paralympian's lawyer, Barry Roux, went ahead with the proceedings.

Monday, Roux produced the phone records that contradicted a witness's testimony that said Pistorius called him before he called the athlete. Security guard Pieter Baba had previously said that Pistorius called him after the shooting.

"Pistorius called you first at 3.21am, and he will tell the court that he could not speak and very shortly after that at 3.22am you called him back to find out if he is all right," Roux said, reports USA Today.

Baba testified that he phoned Pistorius and was told by the 27-year-old athlete that "everything was fine." He added that Pistorius sounded too distressed to speak and simply hung up.

he Pistorius murder trial began last Monday and recorded testimonies of 9 witness so far. Of these 9 witnesses, 4 were Bladerunner's neighbors. Pistorius was charged with murder of model girlfriend Steenkamp last year. He has long maintained that he mistook her for an intruder.