(Photo : JONATHAN NACKSTRAND/AFP via Getty Images)
Cows are now facing a flatulence tax in Denmark, making it the first country to lead the pack.

Cows and pigs are now facing a flatulence tax in Denmark.

Known as a major pork and dairy exporter, Denmark is introducing a tax on livestock carbon dioxide emissions from 2030, which would make it the first nation to do so.

They hope their move will inspire others to follow suit, the government revealed on Tuesday.

The tax was first proposed in February by government-commissioned experts who were brought on to help the country reach a legally binding 2030 target of cutting greenhouse emissions by 70% from 1990 levels.

On Monday, Denmark's centrist government came to an extensive agreement with farmers, industry, labor unions, and environmental groups on policies linked to farming, considered the country's largest source of CO2.

"We will be the first country in the world to introduce a real CO2 tax on agriculture. Other countries will be inspired by this," Taxation Minister Jeppe Bruus of the center-left Social Democrats said in a statement on Tuesday. 

Pending approval by parliament, political scholars expect a bill to pass following the wide-ranging consensus.

The deal proposed taxing farmers 300 Danish crowns ($43.16) per ton of CO2 in 2030, increasing to 750 crowns by 2035, according to Reuters.

This will allow farmers an income tax deduction of 60%, which means that the actual cost per ton will start at 120 crowns and increase to 300 crowns by 2035.

New Zealand, which also proposed a similar tax plan this month, has nixed the idea following poor reception from farmers.

But while Danish farmers have expressed concerns that the country's climate goals could push them to lower production and cut jobs, they also stated that the deal makes it possible to uphold their businesses. 

"The agreement brings clarity when it comes to significant parts of the farmers' conditions," the L&F agriculture industry group said.