Man Kills Friend to Steal Her Jewelry: 'Lying Little Rodent'

Andrew Hall, 47, was convicted in the murder of 50-year-old Glenna Siviter, whose body he hid beneath her sofa 'like rubbish'

Man Kills Friend to Steal Her Jewelry: 'Lying Little Rodent'
Andrew Hall, 47, was convicted in the murder of 50-year-old Glenna Siviter, whose body he hid beneath her sofa “like rubbish,” where Siviter’s son, Declan Siviter, found her in December. Cleveland Police Department

The grieving son of a woman murdered over her jewelry called his mother's killer a "lying little rodent" driven to fuel his drug addiction.

Andrew Hall, 47, was convicted of the murder of 50-year-old Glenna Siviter, whose body he hid beneath her sofa "like rubbish," where Siviter's son, Declan Siviter, found her in December.

On Thursday, Hall was sentenced to life in prison after he was found guilty of stabbing Glenna to death in her Middlesbrough, England, home.

During his two-week trial, Siviter called his mother's murderer a "lying, manipulative, sneaky little rodent of a man" who stole her jewelry "just for a rock of crack," according to the BBC.

"Over the past six months since losing my mother Glenna, my family and I have been devastated; it has felt as though we've had the darkest cloud looming over our head," Siviter also said in a statement, according to Cleveland police.

"It's always hard losing a loved one anyway, but to have someone taken from you in such a disgustingly violent way as Andrew Hall has taken my mother, it's a sickening whirlwind of mixed emotions with ultimately, no happy outcome, just constant grief and despair."

Siviter said his aunt's death last year triggered his mother's drug relapse and motivated her to rekindle her childhood friendship with fellow drug abuser Hall.

"What he has done to my mother physically, and us as a family mentally, is horrific and despicable. He's robbed my children of their grandmother and left me feeling somewhat empty and heartbroken, knowing that she would have trusted him as well, only to be literally stabbed in the back, makes me shudder inside," said Siviter, while urging the court to "please never let this man see the light of day again."

Hall was also convicted of attempted murder and assault against two other individuals, for which he was handed down a concurrent sentence of 27 years and 5 years, respectively.

Murder, U.K., England, Stabbing, Crime, Drugs, Drug Addiction
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