Clashes Erupt in Jerusalem as Orthodox Men Protest Ruling They Must Fight in Military

Police use skunk-scented water cannons to disperse crowd

Clashes Erupt in Jerusalem Over Mandatory Military Draft for Ultra-Orthodox Men
Thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews clashed with police in Jerusalem in response to a Supreme Court ruling demanding their mandatory enlistment in the military. TrimFeed's YouTube Channel

Clashes erupted in Jerusalem Sunday evening as Orthodox men continue protesting Israel's new rule that states ultra-Orthodox Jewish seminary students can be drafted into the military.

New video footage shows water cannons with skunk-scented water, police on foot and police on horse being used to break up crowds.

Exemptions have long been an option for young men registered in full-time religious study, but a legal arrangement that allowed the practice to continue has expired.

The change in law seemingly looks to send shockwaves throughout Israel's governing coalition among the ultra-Orthodox and Haredi parties.

A waiver excluding ultra-Orthodox men from recruitment has become a more urgent issue due to the strain on the armed forces caused by the war in Gaza.

Israel, Jerusalem, Demonstrations
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