A Connecticut man faces a manslaughter charge and delivery of alcohol to a minor after his 17-year-old girlfriend died after allegedly falling out of a pickup truck.
State troopers say the incident took place on May 21.
The Bristol Police Department responded to the hospital after family members brought the girl, who was not identified, in for treatment at around 1:25 a.m.
The driver was identified as Cooper Oullette, 19, of Harwinton.
The state police says the major crime squad determined that circumstances surrounding the death met the criteria of a domestic violence crime.
A warrant for Oullette's arrest was issued on July 11.
It claimed that the couple had been in an on again off again relationship and went to a party together. They stopped at a liquor store and reportedly bought about $50 in booze.
At the party, police say the couple had a fight and the victim had sought another ride home before her 11 curfew but ended up leaving with Oullette.
Police say at some point the victim got out of the vehicle and was allegedly hit by Oullette's truck. They say he then put her back in and drove her home.
When it learned of the arrest warrant, Oullette turned himself in the following day.
He was released on a $50,000 bond and was due back in court on Monday for an arraignment in New Britain Superior Court.
It was unclear if he had a lawyer who could speak on his behalf.