Pennsylvania Lawyer's Ad Supporting Smiling Thieves And Gun-Wielding Thugs Draws Criticism (WATCH)

Smiling robbers, drug dealers and prostitutes flashing thumbs up and thanking a Pittsburg lawyer for getting them off the hook in an online ad has garnered tens of thousands of views and drawn fire from a local bar association, Reuters reported.

In the three-minute, 27-second ad posted on YouTube by criminal defense attorney Daniel Muessig, one fictional criminal pauses while climbing out a window, carrying a laptop to say "Thanks Dan," to the camera, while a pair of men carrying handguns offer a similar message before pulling ski masks over their faces.

"Trust me, I may have a law degree, but I think like a criminal," says Muessig, a 2012 University of Pittsburgh Law School graduate, in the video.

According to Reuters, the spot has been viewed more than 80,000 times since Muessig posted it on Thursday, and the 32-year-old attorney said he believed the tongue-in-cheek approach would appeal to possible clients.

"I wanted to connect with my potential clients in a way that people from my generation could understand," Muessig said in a Friday phone interview. "I wanted to give people something that would be memorable and entertaining."

Tom Loftus, spokesman for the Allegheny County Bar Association, said he found the ad "insulting to Pittsburgh lawyers and lawyers across the country, who take pride in their profession."

He said he worried that the video could be misinterpreted, "There could be kids watching it, or people who don't even understand what tongue-in-cheek means, and what they'll see is: if you commit a crime this attorney will get you off without any explanation."

Defending his ad, Muessig said he would take down the ad if law enforcement or a legal professional organization asked him to, Reuters reported.

"It's a send-up of the cartoonishly amoral Jewish criminal defense attorney," he said. "The criminal justice system is broken, it creates a system where we are basically putting people on a conveyor belt to prison. If you want to get your ire up, get your ire up about that."