Olympic 49-Year-Old skateboarder claims he saw dragons in vision quest

49-year-old skateboarder Dallas Oberholzer from South Africa claims he saw dragons while on a conquest to Peru

Skateboarding - Olympic Games Paris 2024: Day 12
(Photo by Elsa/Getty Images)

49-year-old skateboarder Dallas Oberholzer from South Africa, not only stands out for his age, but he also claims he saw dragons in a vision quest after taking ayahuasca in Peru.

On a trip to the jungles of Peru, he decided to try ayahuasca under the supervision of a shaman. Ayahuasca is a traditional plant-based brew known for its psychedelic effects. Oberholzer claims he saw dragons while under the influence of ayahuasca and says "it's not a party, I had moments like I felt like I was being ripped apart."

Oberholzer is one of the oldest competitors in the Olympics in skateboarding, and he's facing a significant challenge on Wednesday in the giant Olympic bowl of competing against athletes half his age except for Andrew Macdonald of Britain who is older than him by 2 years.

Olympics, South Africa, Peru