Israeli Prime Minister to move into bunker ahead of expected Iranian attack: report

'Secret, sensitive facility that cost billions'

Benjamin Netanyahu and family to move into underground bunker
Israeli prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara tour in Tel Gezer and Magshimim Forest together with their sons Yair and Avner. Kobi Gideon/Government Press Office/Israel

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is reportedly planning to move himself and his family into an underground bunker complex in Jerusalem ahead of an anticipated attack by Iran.

The bunker is designed for top officials in case of such an attack on Israel and is where the prime minister is expected to manage the country, according to The Jerusalem Post.

The Israeli Security Agency organized the command bunker, which is located deep underground in Jerusalem.

It's a secret, sensitive facility that cost billions following the Second Lebanon War. The nuclear complex is greatly protected and allows encrypted communication and high-level security.

Sources told the paper that Netanyahu's wife, Sara, and their son, Yair, are also considering spending the night in the bunker but the prime minister's office denied these claims, calling them "fake news."

"We will not settle for less than Netanyahu's head," an Iranian MP warned. In Iran's previous attack on Israel in April, Netanyahu and his wife moved into the home of billionaire Simon Falic's family in Jerusalem, which reportedly has an advanced anti-missile shelter.

After October 7, the family allegedly alternated between Falic's home and their private residence in Caesarea.

Israel, Iran, Threats, Attack, Benjamin Netanyahu, Jerusalem