Hallucinating Florida man shoots up his own house thinking intruders were inside, deputies say

When deputies arrived, Falkner 'exited his garage with a knife,' said the sheriff's office

Hallucinating Florida man shoots up his own house thinking intruders were inside, deputies say
Christopher Falkner, 40, called 911 Saturday night to report a possible burglary at his residence in Freeport, Florida, according to the Walton County Sheriff’s Office. Facebook

A Florida man was high on "spice" and hallucinating when he allegedly shot up his own house thinking there were intruders inside, said deputies.

Christopher Falkner, 40, called 911 Saturday night to report a possible burglary at his residence in Freeport, Florida, according to the Walton County Sheriff's Office.

When deputies arrived, Falkner "exited his garage with a knife," said the sheriff's office. He tossed his weapon to the ground when deputies announced themselves.

Deputies cleared the home for "potential threats" and allegedly witnessed "multiple shotgun blasts" and empty casings on the floor of the home. Three guns, ammo, oxycodone and cocaine were purportedly recovered.

"The investigation found that no intruders entered the home, the report was made as a result of the Falkner ingesting 'spice' and hallucinating," the WCSO alleged.

Falker is a convicted felon on bond for weapons charges.

This time, he was arrested on a slew of drug and gun-related charges.

He remains held at a Florida jail.

Shooting, Hallucinations, Cocaine, Oxycodone, Drugs, Guns, Florida, Arrested, Crime, Intruder