Watch As 20 Strangers Kiss For The First Time (VIDEO)

A filmmaker asked 20 people who never met before to kiss each other for the first time and recorded the intimate moments in a three-minute video. The video, titled "First Kiss," has received over eight million views since it was posted on YouTube on Monday.

Tatia Pilieva, a filmmaker in Los Angeles, paired off the strangers into couples, same sex and heterosexual, and recorded their interactions leading up to, during and after the kiss. The video was presented by the women's clothing brand WREN in celebration of its fall 2014 collection.

Some of the couples hesitate before kissing.

"Do we just do this anytime?" one woman asks before she starts laughing.

"Can you turn off the lights?" asks another girl wearing a hat before her parnter giggles.

Other couples dive right into it.

"Shall we make out?" one guy asks while holding the hand of the woman he was paired with. "Absolutely," the woman replies.

"You have nice eyes," one guy with black hair said to another.

The video is filled with nervous laughter, turned heads and hands in pocket as the strangers work up the nerve to kiss. But by the end of the video when the kisses are done the couples embrace each other.

"That was a good one!" one woman said.
