Lawyers For George Zimmerman Release Video Claiming He Wants To Help People

Lawyers for George Zimmerman released a video of him on Wednesday claiming he wants to help others who are going through similar situations to his, ABC News reported.

In the video recorded by his defense attorneys, Zimmerman said he was doing the interview to "show America who I truly am." When asked by an off-camera interviewer what a typical day is like for him, he said he worries constantly.

"The only thing consistent is having to always look over my shoulder and be concerned about others around me," he said.

Zimmerman added that he's trying to be a good man but cannot seem to escape heavy scrutiny from the public, whether his actions are positive or negative.

Following his acquittal in the murder trial of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, Zimmerman made headlines for traffic violations and domestic abuse incidents with his soon-to-be ex-wife, Shellie Zimmerman, and former girlfriend Samantha Scheibe. However, neither woman pursued charges against him.

Zimmerman's not guilty verdict sparked protests over race and gun control all across the country and continues to be brought up in anti-"Stand Your Ground" protests. In the video, Zimmerman describes his father as white and his mother as Peruvian. He also claims his great-grandfather was Afro-Peruvian.

Howard Iken, a divorce attorney for Zimmerman, told the Associated Press that the divorce procedure includes "moving on and having a new life," which the video is helping his client do.

"The publicity surrounding him is unfair and misinformed, especially the allegations he is a racist or bigot," Iken said.

Towards the end of the video, Zimmerman said he hopes to pursue a legal career -- a claim he's also made previously.

"On a grand scale, I would like to make enough of an impact on the judicial system so that what happens to me never happens to anybody," Zimmerman said.