Venezuela Death Toll At 25 After Three More Protesters Killed During Confrontation

Protesters battled soldiers in the streets of Caracas again on Wednesday as three more fatal shootings raised to 25 the death toll from a month of demonstrations against Venezuela's socialist government, according to the Associated Press.

Thousands of supporters and foes of President Nicolas Maduro took to the capital's streets for rival rallies marking a month since the first bloodshed in the recent unrest around the South American OPEC nation, the AP reported.

Trouble began when National Guard troops blocked opposition marchers from leaving Plaza Venezuela to head to the state ombudsman's office, according to the AP. Students threw stones and petrol bombs while security forces fired tear gas and turned water cannons on them.

Elsewhere, in central Carabobo state, a student, a middle-aged man and an army captain were shot dead in the latest fatalities from now-daily clashes around the South American nation of 29 million people, the AP reported.

Opposition activists blamed armed government supporters for shooting the student near his home in Valencia city, but the state governor said the shot came from snipers among protesters, according to the AP.

A 42-year-old man died during the same disturbances, shot while painting his house, the local mayor said, the AP reported. In the third killing, an army captain died from a gunshot during a clash with "terrorist criminals", government officials said.

Maduro's government has declared victory over an attempted "coup" against the 51-year-old former bus driver who won election last year to succeed the late Hugo Chavez, according to the AP.

Student radicals have vowed to continue the "Venezuelan Spring" protests, but despite the bloodshed and drag the actions have had on the country's troubled economy, Maduro appears to be in little danger of being toppled, the AP reported.