Faith-Healing Parents Convicted Of Murder, Child Abuse

Lansing parents convited of murder and child abuse for ignoring warnings of their deceased daughter's condition and refusing medical care.

A jury convicted two fait-healing Lansing parents of murder and child abuse charges for ignoring warnings about their newborn daughter's medical condition and refusing to get her treated scientifically, resulting in the baby's death.

The defendants were identified as Joshua and Rachel Piland who were previously free on bond since the start of the case roughly eight years ago. The two were led from the courtroom in handcuffs after an Ingham County Circuit Court jury convicted them of second-degree murder and first-degree child abuse.

Faith-Healing Parents Convicted of Daughter's Murder

The jury in the case was allowed to consider lesser charges of involuntary manslaughter and third-degree child abuse. They were also allowed to consider handing out non-guilty verdicts to the defendants.

However, the jury still voted in favor of convicting the couple of the most serious charges for their actions and decisions that led to the death of their daughter. Both of the charges carry a maximum sentence of up to life in prison, and the judge in the case set sentencing for June 11, 2025, according to Yahoo News.

The jury deliberated for roughly four hours to consider all of the evidence over two days before handing out a verdict. It came after listening to days of complex testimony by police, law witnesses, and medical doctors.

Prosecutor Bill Crino said that the Piland case was difficult and long, adding that they tried to use the baby's life as a lighthouse to guide them through the many complex legal and factual issues that were presented throughout.

Acknowledging the Baby's Life

The convicted mother's brother, Joel Kerr, said it took too long for the case to happen. He was the one who made the initial call that prompted police to visit Piland's home a few hours after the newborn daughter lost her life, the Lansing State Journal reported.

He said that the main goal of the case was that they wanted to see the child, Abigail, have a voice and for her life to be acknowledged. He praised the jury for seeing what was right and making the correct decision.

The case comes as seven sets of Oregon parents who believe in faith healing have been criminally charged for the death or illness of their kids in the last decade. One of these includes Sarah and Travis Mitchell.

In March 2017, the couple's twin daughter, Ginnifer, died, while the other survived following a medical examiner and Oregon City police officers urged family members to take them to the hospital, as per Oregon Live.

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Parents, Child, Newborn, Daughter, Death, Baby, Murder, Child Abuse, Convicted, Guilty