Through some very big hints, Nokia advertised that its new Lumia 928 will hit U.S. stores in the near future, according to PC Mag. The hints came in the form of a billboard, magazine ad and a new website.
The new website is simply a photo of a new phone—taking a photo. In the bottom left reads the words, “Capture the Highlights.” The words directly under the phone read “Stay tuned for updates about the newest Nokia Lumia.”
If Nokia was in fact trying to mask the name of the new Lumia, they did a horrible job—since the name of the new phone is in the URL:
Who knows, maybe this was done intentionally.
The magazine ad appeared an edition of Vanity Fair, as reported by The ad has the same picture as the website. However, in the bottom right hand corner is the large white letters: NOKIA LUMIA 928. According to the advertisement, the new Lumia will have Pure View technology, low-light support, optical image stabilization, and a Carl Zeiss lens in addition to other features.
According to a picture posted on My Nokia Blog, a billboard featured the phone with the Verizon logo at the bottom right hand corner. “The best low-light smartphone camera” was the words in large white letters to the left of the phone.
Nokia’s smartphone sales have improved. The company sold 5.6 million Lumia smartphones in the first quarter—a 27 percent increase from the fourth quarter of 2012. Nokia’s best selling phones were its Lumias which run on the Windows Phone 8 Platform from Microsoft.
"We are seeing our Lumia momentum accelerate as we exit Q1," said Nokia chief Stephen Elop.
Nokia released its Lumia 822 during the first quarter and will release its Lumia 521 for T-Mobile in June.
The official launch for the Lumia 928 is expected to occur on May 14 at a Lumia event in London.