Warren Jeffs Hospitalized: FDLS Sect Leader, Rapist Treated For 'Non-Life Threatening' Condition

Warren Jeffs, leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and convicted rapist, was hospitalized in Texas last week, the Salt Lake Tribune reported.

According to prison spokesman Robert Hurst, Jeffs is being treated for a "non-life threatening medical condition," nearly one week after being transported there from Texas State Penitentiary in Huntsville.

However, citing privacy laws, Hurst did not disclose if it was a result of extended fasting, which led to Jeffs' hospitalization several times before, according to the Salt Lake Tribune. On Monday, all Hurst would say is that Jeffs is "stable."

Jeffs, 58, was convicted of sexually assaulting two underage girls -- one of which gave birth to his child at 15 years old -- in 2011 and sentenced to life imprisonment.

In January, a former member of Jeffs' polygamist cult spoke to HuffPost Live to discuss her years of abuse and brainwashing.

"You're raised inside the FLDS as a girl to believe your responsibility is to have one baby per year to build your husband's kingdom because he is going to be a god," said ex-member Flora Jessop.

"All of my sisters would sit around and talk about how they wanted to have 30 babies and I swore I was never having more than two children because in my child mind I could grab one under each arm and run ... If I had three babies I would have to stand there and take the abuse they dolled out and I wasn't willing to jeopardize my children."