Jenny McCarthy Slammed On Twitter For Anti-Vaccination Beliefs, Blamed For Having 'Absurd, Unshakable Ignorance'

Jenny McCarthy was hoping for positive feedback via Twitter on Thursday, but instead received some harsh criticism from her followers, E! Online reported.

The "View" co-host asked her 1.13 million Twitter followers an innocuous question on March 13: "What is the most important personality trait you look for in a mate? Reply using #JennyAsks."

The answers were more of a backlash and, as one might imagine, not very kind.

"Somebody who gets that refusing vaccines because of 'toxins' and then shilling for e-cigs makes you a pathetic hypocrite," one user replied. Another person told McCarthy, 41, "Someone who doesn't spread false info causing disease."

McCarthy waited until Monday to respond to the backlash, tweeting, "Thank you to all the haters who tweet my name. You make my Q SCORE higher and higher," the former Playboy model wrote. "It's because of you I continue to work. Thank you!"

McCarthy, whose son Evan was diagnosed with autism in May 2005, has often argued that vaccines are linked to autism in children. McCarthy has since clarified that she "and the autism community" are not anti-vaccine per se, but they are without question "anti-toxin and anti-schedule," according to E! Online.

In a 2008 interview with Larry King, McCarthy asked, "Isn't it ironic, in 1983 there were 10 shots and now there's 36 and the rise of autism happened at the same time?" She continued, "We need to get rid of the toxins, the mercury-which I am so tired of everyone saying it's been removed. It has not been removed from the shots."

By contrast, 90 percent of children who died from the flu had not been vaccinated, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in the 2012-2013 season, E! Online reported.

McCarthy came under fire in January when rumors surfaced that her son doesn't actually have autism. At the time, she debunked the "blatantly inaccurate and completely ridiculous" allegations via Twitter.