Stephen Hawking Claims This Century Will Be A 'True Space Age'; 'In 50 Years We'll Be Living On The Moon, And Be On Our Way To Mars'

Ever dreamed of living on Mars? Well, according to Stephen Hawking, a home on Mars in not far away.

The renowned astrophysicist believes that human beings will be able to make a comfortable life on Mars by 2100. Not only that, but he also said the moon will be able to handle our settlements "within 50 years."

Speaking at Live from Space program on Monday, Hawking warned that imminent extinction is unavoidable for the human race since the Earth will eventually be inhabited by a lot of us.

The only solution will be to colonize new planets.

"Our planet is an old world, threatened with an ever-expanding population and finite resources. We must anticipate these threats and have a plan B," the 72-year-old said. "If our species is to survive the next hundred years, let alone a thousand, it is imperative we voyage out into the blackness of space to colonize new worlds across the cosmos."

"If we follow this path, I have no doubt that this century will go down, in the history of humankind, as the true Space Age."

According to UK MailOnline, "Professor Hawking made the comments during Channel 4's 'Live from Space: Lap of the Planet' program, during which astronauts from the International Space Station (ISS) were broadcast live from orbit."

After the sun and the moon, the ISS is the third brightest object in the night sky that is easy to view as a tiny light on a clear night.

Astronaut Rick Mastracchio confessed that he was more connected to his kids from space than he was at home.

"I spend more time talking to my kids up here than I do down there," he joked.

While a whole lap of the Earth was done by the ISS in just 90 minutes, viewers were treated to various stunning sights, UK MailOnline reported.

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