Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Spoilers: Will Ezra Be Back?

Now that the "Pretty Little Liars Season 4" has come to an end leaving fans hanging yet again, executive producer Marlene King has given a sneak peek in to Season 5.

It will be a challenge for fans to wait more than two months to find out what happens to Ezra, who was the person behind the mask whom he claimed to know and what will be Jessica DiLaurentis' fate.

On the special site,, fans get a message from King after unlocking a code 'MarleneTellsAll.'

And the message goes: "Hey 'Pretty Little Liars' fans, it's Marlene King and I've got your spoilers. Here's what you can expect this summer on 'PLL': It's a season of reunions and homecomings and now that Ali's back, an army will be mobilized, but 'A's' not in it. Lucas will leave his bunk beds and head back to Rosewood High, and an unexpected 'PLL' will spiral with her boyfriend. Don't miss the summer premiere Tuesday, June 10 at 8/7 central find out if the Liars escape from New York."

Well well! Lucas will be back! The guy disappeared from the show mid-way amid all the trouble he had with Mona and Hanna.

King says one of the Liars will be spiraling with her boyfriend. Could that be Hanna and Caleb? It was announced that Caleb will be back on PLL after his show Ravenswood, spin-off of PLL was cancelled after Season 1. Or could it be Spencer and Toby? Or more shockingly Aria and Ezra? Well, the chances of Ezra and Aria coming back together are bleak. Ian Harding, who plays Ezra, recently said that things won't be the same again between him and Aria, especially after she got to know he used her and her friends as mere studies to write a true crime novel.

But more importantly, will Ezra be back? It is said that he will not be dead after he getting shot in the Season 4 finale episode.

And most of all, will fans finally find out who is 'A'? Pretty Little Liars Season 5 premieres Tuesday, June 10 on ABC Family.