Ted Cruz Supporters Create 2016 SuperPAC

Supporters of U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) announced the creation of their 2016 super PAC -- Draft Ted Cruz For President -- on Wednesday, TIME reported.

On the group's website, organizers said they hope to collect 1 million signatures to "lay the groundwork for the kind of grassroots army of volunteers, donors, and early-primary voters that is needed to win in 2016."

"Who better to do that than the man who stood for 21 hours and 19 minutes on the floor of the U.S. Senate in a historic filibuster against Obamacare and rallied 2 million Americans to sign a petition to end this government overreach?"

Though the super PAC officially launched on Wednesday, they filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission in January. The treasurer, Paul Kilgore, used to work as an aide for Newt Gingrich and served as treasurer for a super PAC supporting Texas Gov. Rick Perry's presidential campaign in 2012.

Raz Shafer, a regional director for Cruz in Texas, officially announced the venture on Redstate.com.

"I've never spoken to Ted about him running for president and I honestly don't know if he will do it," Shafer wrote, "but I do know he won't succeed unless freedom-loving Americans like you and me begin organizing this effort now."

"Ted Cruz is the people's candidate and we need to be the ones driving the effort to elect him."