Sen. David Vitter Claims Koch Brothers Among Most Patriotic Americans In History

While hosting a town hall event in Shreveport earlier this week, U.S. Sen David Vitter called the Koch brothers "two of the most patriotic Americans in the history of the Earth, MSNBC reported.

The senator from Louisiana made the remarks after an audience member asked him his opinion on all of the money Charles and David Koch pour into politics -- especially when it comes to Obamacare.

"God bless the Koch brothers. They're fighting for our freedoms," said Vitter, who is running for governor.

While Vitter has expressed his appreciation for the Kochs, many Democrats began responding to attacks made by the billionaire brothers.

Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has called them "un-American" and accused them of trying to "buy America." He also chided the Senate GOP for being "addicted to Koch."

Earlier this month, U.S. Sen. Mark Begich released a television ad criticizing the Koch brothers, who released attacks on the Alaska senator for supporting Obamacare.

"First it was a D.C. actress pretending to be an Alaskan," the ad's narrator says. "Now ads attacking Mark Begich on a carbon tax have been called 'false' and 'not true.' Who's behind the attacks?"

On Thursday, the New York Times reported that the Koch-funded group Americans For Prosperity have spent 10 times as much that any Democratic organization has spent on the 2014 midterm elections.

"The president's out there touting billions of dollars on climate change," Tim Phillips, the president of Americans for Prosperity, told the Times. "We want Americans to think about what they promised with the last social welfare boondoggle and look at what the actual result is."