Dave Brockie Dead At 50: GWAR Frontman Found Dead In Virginia Home; Authorities Don't Suspect 'Foul Play'

Thrash metal band GWAR and their fans are mourning the death of their 50-year-old lead singer David "Dave" Brockie.

TMZ reports Brockie was found in his Richmond, Va. Home by his unnamed roommate. Law enforcement sources told the gossip site the singer was found sitting upright in a chair on Sunday morning.

"We're told foul play is not suspected and one law enforcement sources told us, 'There were no drugs found, as far as I know,'" TMZ reports.

The band gained popular thanks to the "Beavis and Butthead" show, which played GWAR's over-the-top music videos. Brockie was known as "Oderus Urungus" in his full costume and makeup.

"Basically my job is screaming into a microphone and bashing a huge dinosaur with a long sword," Brockie told the New York Daily News in 2009. "I am one of the blessed people that gets to do what I love to do for a living."

GWAR had many fans in the metal scene, including Lamb of God lead singer Randy Blythe, who posted a message dedicated to Brockie on his official Instagram page.

"...My band learned how to become a real touring band from GWAR- they gave us out first shot at this thing. I learned many things from Dave, many of which I am eternally grateful for, and some of which I am deeply ashamed of," Blythe wrote.

"Right now, if I were to truly honor Dave in the way HE would do it if it were ME that had died, I would make a completely tasteless joke about his death," he wrote later in the post. "But I do not have the stomach for that- Dave would, but not me. He never put much stock in 'limits'. Richmond, VA has lost one of its most creative people. This is a crying shame to me."

Authorities have yet to confirm Brockie's official cause of death.