Girl Scout Sells More Than 18,000 Cookies In Seven Weeks

A nearly 30-year-old record for Girl Scout cookie sales has been crumbled by Oklahoma City scout Katie Francis, who has so far sold 18,107 boxes by asking anyone who crossed her path to buy some of the sweets, according to the Associated Press.

"There's three ingredients to selling cookies: There's lots of time, lots of commitment, and I have to ask everybody that I see," the 11-year-old said in an interview with the NewsOK website posted on Monday, the AP reported.

It took the sixth-grade student just seven weeks to top the previous record of 18,000 boxes in annual sales, which was set in a year in the mid-1980s by scout Elizabeth Brinton, according to the AP.

Francis, looking to sell at least 20,000 boxes by the end of March, said she will break into song and dance if it will help her sales pitch, the AP reported.

"For the last two years, I beat the state record and it just seemed like the national record was next on the list," she told TV broadcaster KOCO, according to the AP.

Katie sold 12,428 boxes last year, and her troop receives a share of the proceeds from the fundraiser and intends to donate to breast cancer research, the AP reported.

According to the Girl Scouts, the sale of cookies as a way to finance troop activities began in Oklahoma nearly a century ago when the Mistletoe Troop in Muskogee baked cookies and sold them as a service project, the AP reported.