Iowa Senate Candidate, Joni Ernst, Talks Pig Castration In New TV Ad (VIDEO)

Iowa State Sen. Joni Ernst, who is running for U.S. Senate, brags about her experience castrating pigs in a new television advertisement, Roll Call reported.

"I grew up castrating hogs on an Iowa farm, so when I come to Washington, I'll know how to cut pork," Ernst says in the video, released on Tuesday. "Washington's full of big spenders, let's make 'em squeal."

Ernst is facing off with businessman Mark Jacobs, radio shot host Mark Clovis, former U.S. Attorney Matt Whitaker, and Navy veteran Scott Schaben in the June 3 primary for the GOP nomination.

Whoever wins the Republican nomination will run against Democratic Rep. Bruce Braley, whom Ernst makes sure to call out in the TV ad.

"As a mother, I want to make sure that we pass along to my daughter and her generation the same great nation we inherited. To do that, we will have to get Washington to stop borrowing .40 cents out of every dollar our government spends, and repeal and replace Bruce Braley's Obamacare with common-sense, market-driven solutions," said Ernst.

According to Rothenberg Political Report/Roll Call, the Senate race in the Hawkeye State is a "Leans Democrat" race.