LeAnn Rimes' Jaw Pops Out of Place Mid-Concert, Forces Her To Make Abrupt Exit In Oklahoma

LeAnn Rimes was giving her best at the Oklahoma concert when her jaw popped out of place, forcing her to cancel an encore set to be performed later on, US Weekly reported.

The singer took onto Twitter after the show to explain her sudden exit and inform disappointed fans about the unfortunate situation that refrained her from completing the encore.

"Oklahoma!!!! I love you so much! I'm sorry for no encore," the "Spitfire" songstress, 31, tweeted. "I had my jaw pop out of place & I can't hear out of my left ear. #tmjsucks"

She added: "I had the best time tonight with my Oklahoma fans! I love y'all!"

Rimes suffers from temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ, which causes pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint. After going through several dental procedures for the condition in the summer of 2012, Rimes shared her experience and TMJ-related struggles with fans on Twitter, US Weekly reported.

"Waiting on the endodontist to meet me and do a nighttime root canal," she wrote in July. "This is one of the craziest things I've ever been through. Trying to keep my mind off the pain & what's about to happen by saying hi to you guys. Life does not work on the right schedule sometimes. This is such bad timing! K, wish me luck. Much love!"

"O-M-G I got 3 shots in the roof of my mouth & 1 INSANE shot directly into the half dead half ALIVE nerve through the hole he drilled on the backside of my tooth," she tweeted another time.

However, she filed a lawsuit in February 2013 claiming that her dentist's work had failed to repair her condition and had instead set her back.

According to US Weekly, she claimed in the court papers that she suffered "severe tooth pain, gum inflammation, and chronic gum bleeding," and that her "ability to perform as an artist has been and will continued to be significantly compromised until all re-treatment is complete."