Funny Or Racist? Nick Cannon Dons 'White Face' For Album Promotion (PHOTO)

The Internet expressed outraged towards Nick Cannon after the 33-year-old comedian posted an Instagram picture of him in "white face" on Monday.

In a promotion for his new album "White People Party Music," Cannon uploaded a picture of him decked out in makeup to make him look like a white person- complete with altered skin tone and a wig. Cannon uploaded a series of videos of him as his new character, who is supposed to be a white guy named "Connor Smallnut."

"It's official...I'm White!!!," Cannon, host of "America's Got Talent," wrote in the Instagram photo's caption. "Join The Party!!!! #Good Credit #DogKissing #BeerPong #FarmersMarkets #FistPumping #CreamCheeseEating #RacialDraft 'Bro I got drafted!!' "

Twitter was ablaze with comments for and against Cannon's stunt.

"Julianne Hough did "black face" for Halloween and people were pissed but it's okay for Nick Cannon to do 'white face,'? " Jarrell Brown tweeted Tuesday.

"@Nick Cannon in White Face is Appalling & just as disgusting & racist as a white person 2 paint their face black, #GrowUp," Soncee tweeted.

Cannon, who is married to Mariah Carey, stood by his actions, telling everyone to "Chil-lax."

"It's funny how people take themselves so seriously. People love drama! We feed off of it. Just relax and have fun!!" Cannon tweeted Monday.

Cannon also pointed out that Robert Downey Jr. did something similar when he dressed in blackface for his role in "Tropic Thunder."

"Shout out to @RobertDowneyJr This is one of my favorite characters of all time! Hilarious!!!" Cannon wrote next to a photo of Downey's character.

"There is a big difference between Humor and Hatred," Cannon wrote.

Others supported Cannon's "white face."

"Nick Cannon is hilarious and anyone who calls him racist is so ignorant," Alex Ath tweeted Tuesday. "It's called being a comedian and promoting an album in a catchy way."

Cannon's album comes out April 1.