'Russia Gets The Boot': G8 Summit Is Now Just G7, Meeting Moved From Sochi To Brussels

The most exclusive club at this year's G8 summit will now be accessible to only a group of seven industrialized democracies, with Russia being thrown out due to its recent actions involving Ukraine and Crimea, the Wire reported.

Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to annex Crimea while demonstrating aggression towards Ukraine has brought on several sanctions from international governments around the world.

At the behest of President Obama on Monday, seven leaders held a meeting and decided that instead of the G8 summit being held in Sochi, it would now be moved to Brussels.

G7 explained their reasoning for giving Russia the boot, according to the Wire.

"International law prohibits the acquisition of part or all of another state's territory through coercion or force. To do so violates the principles upon which the international system is built. We condemn the illegal referendum held in Crimea in violation of Ukraine's constitution. We also strongly condemn Russia's illegal attempt to annex Crimea in contravention of international law and specific international obligations."

Russia's controversial annexation of Crimea was another topic discussed at the G7. They also threatened more sanctions against the country.

"Russian forces have taken over several Ukrainian military bases in Crimea since the region declared itself to be part of Russia," the Wire reported.

Sergei Lavrov, Russian foreign minister, claimed that Russia was not interested in being part of the G8. He said the country was over it.

"If our Western partners believe the format has exhausted itself, we don't cling to this format. We don't believe it will be a big problem if it doesn't convene," he told Reuters.

Lavrov added, "The G8 is an informal club. No one hands out membership cards and no one can be kicked out of it."

As Ukraine ordered its troops to withdraw from the Crimean peninsula, Russia's oust from the G8 summit made headlines around the world.

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