'Lights Out!' This Short Horror Movie Scares the Internet (WATCH)

Give your two minutes to this video and you will frighten out of wits.

'Lights Out,' the short horror movie directed by Swedish film-maker David F Sandberg takes one on a classic scary ride.

'Lights Out' won Sandberg the Best Director award in the 'Bloody Cuts Horror Challenge 2013'. He had uploaded the movie on his Vimeo account a few months ago. But it gained popularity on the Internet this month after it went viral.

This dialogue-free movie is a an archetypal horror story without any blood and gore. The background score of the movie plays an important part in scaring people.

The story is simple; a girl turns off the lights before going to bed. But what happens next gives one the chills.

Played by Lotta Losten, the girl in this movie turns off the hallway lights only to see a silhouette of a person standing near a wall. Scared stiff, she keeps the lights on using duct tapes. Then she goes to her room leaving the door ajar. The lights in the hallway go off! The frightened girl covers herself with a blanket and keeps the bedside lamp on. The horror does not stop here. The lamp begins to flicker. Next what? Watch the movie to see what happens after that.

Viewers who watched the movie shared their experience on Twitter. One person who shared the video described it as, "OMG this is FREAKY as hell". Another summed up the entire movie in just one word "TRAUMATIZING". One more Twitter user confessed saying, "I love being scared but I have to admit I watched most of this through my fingers!"