A private Christian school in Virginia sent a letter to the home of an 8-year-old girl complaining that she was not girly enough, and her appearances needs to be in line with her "God-ordained identity," CBS News affiliate WDBJ reported Tuesday.
The letter was sent to Sunnie Kahle, who has short hair and prefers to wear jeans and T-shirts. As a result her classmates sometimes ask if she is a boy or girl, a question the 8-year-old doesn't mind. But apparently the Timberlake Christian School where she attends doesn't want any confusion about her gender.
"We believe that unless Sunnie and her family clearly understand that God has made her female and her dress and behavior need to follow suit with her God-ordained identity, that TCS is not the best place for her future education," Becky Bowman, the school's principle, said in a letter sent to Kahle's home in February, WDBJ reported.
Doris Thompson, Kahle's legal guardian and great-grandmother, said Kahle is a tomboy. Her hobbies include collecting autographed baseballs, coins and hunting knives.
"Sunnie realized she's a female, but she wants to do boy things." Thompson told WDBJ.
Khale, who used to have long hair, even asked to have it cut when she was only 5. She donated her hair to a child with cancer. Thompson said that the principle's accusations are outrageous.
"To claim that we are condoning sexual immorality in our home is nonsense," Thompson told WDBJ. "We are Christians. We understand the Bible. Sunnie knows it very well. She has accepted Christ."
Kahle no longer attends the Christian school and now goes to a public one. The Timberlake school released a statement saying they were "heart-broken" to see Kahle go.
Thompson gives Kahle her full support, and said if she grows up to be a lesbian or transgendered, "I will love her that much more," WDBJ reported.
Kahle, however, said she regrets that things had to turn out this way.
"I should just be able to be me and not let them worry about it," Kahle told WDBJ.