Staten Island Clown Mystery Solved? Report Says ‘Pennywise’ like Creepy Clown is Publicity Stunt

There is a creepy crown lurking in the neighborhood of Staten Island terrorizing the inhabitants. Some islanders say they have spotted the scary clown who seems straight out of the Stephen King's horror novel 'It.' The clown mysteriously appears at night holding balloons, smiling and waving.

The past few days the scary clown was seen on the roadsides of this New York borough. Some people have even posted the images of the dreaded clown on social networks. Staten Island's very own 'Pennywise' also made headlines in the local newspapers adding to the bafflement.

This might also be a thrilling experience for some. But there is no need to go overboard. It might just be a publicity stunt being pulled off by movie production company.

A report states that it is a prank by Fuzz on the Lens Productions. Following the sudden appearances of the sinister clown, New York Post did some digging. And found that people who posted the photos of the clown were actually linked to the movie production company! The four men in fact claimed that the clown "freaked" them out.

Vic Dibitetto, who uploaded a video of the clown, admitted to being involved in the whole scary act but denied that he was aware that it was a publicity stunt.

According to Staten Island Advance, the four men were the only people to have photographic evidence of the actual clown. Michael Leavy, one of the men involved, denies the association claimed by some news outlets.

"I think he's funny and this whole thing (is funny), so if people want to think it's me or whoever I won't stop them, maybe I should go get a clown suit though, hopefully they are not sold out," he told the Advance.

The revelation does not seem to bother the creepy clown as he mysteriously appeared at a Staten Island station late Monday night.

Following are some of the tweets from Twitter users who are scared by the Staten Island Clown: