A Colorado third-grader who was reprimanded for shaving her head in support of a friend battling cancer was voted to be allowed back at school by the Grand Junction charter school on Tuesday, Detroit Free Press reported.
Kamryn Renfro made headlines on Tuesday when she was told by the school, Caprock Academy, that shaving her head broke school rules and violated their dress code policy.
Her mother was informed on Monday that Kamryn would not be allowed to attend classes from there on.
Delaney Clements, 11, suffers from neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer. Due to undergoing chemotherapy, she lost her hair and was supported by Kamryn.
"The medicine she was taking made her hair fall out. So, I decided to shave my head," Kamrun said at the meeting Tuesday. "Delaney was really excited! She jumped up and down."
The school's initial decision to temporarily disallow Kamryn from attending classes sparked outrage and garnered national attention on Tuesday.
"The board held a special meeting Tuesday to decide an exception to its policy should be made for Kamryn," Detroit Free Press reported. "Members voted 3-1 in favor of allowing Kamryn back to school with her head shaved."
"Our lesson is that we want to be both aware of our immediate and large community. We want to do service as to how important we feel the interest of children is," Caprock board member Catherine Norton Breman said.
Jamie Renfro, Kamryn's mother, was shocked by the school's decision and took to Facebook to share the controversial incident. Receiving immediate support, Renfro said she wasn't prepared for the negative press directed towards the school.
"We have got an amazing staff and an amazing administration," Renfro said. "They suffered greatly today. For that, I am sorry. I feel extremely guilty. I would just like all of that negativity to go away."
Renfro said she was thrilled after the school decided to take back its decision and allow her daughter to resume classes, Detroit Free Press reported.