Feeling Lucky? Google Selling I/O 2014 Tickets Via Lottery

Google is ditching the traditional first-come-first-serve model it used to sell its annual I/O developer conference tickets for a new random selection of applicants.

Google's annual I/O Developers Conference is one of the most awaited events of the year. The web giant announced that the 2014 I/O Developers Conference will be held in June and this time Google has changed the registration process. The conference date is scheduled for June 25-26, Google also announced the date when the registrations open. It is April 8. Rushing to the registration site to be first in line is certainly not the way you are going to get yourself a ticket for the conference. Frankly, Google holds the cards now.

In an official Google Developers Blog Wednesday, Billy Rutledge, Director of Developer Relations explained the new registration process. Rutledge said the web giant is ditching the traditional first-come-first-served model for a lottery-style process.

"You won't need to scramble the second registration opens, as we will not be implementing a first-come-first-served model this year," Rutledge wrote. "Instead, registration will remain open from April 8 - 10 and you can apply any time during this window. We'll randomly select applicants after the window closes on April 10, and send ticket purchase confirmation emails shortly thereafter."

This means, if you register your interest to buy the I/O 2014 ticket on April 8 or be the last on April 10, chances of your selection are equal. Google also launched a new website for the conference this year where developers can register themselves for free from 5:00am PDT on April 8 until 5:00pm PDT on April 10.

In 2012, all tickets were sold out in less than 30 minutes and last year tickets were available for merely 50 minutes. Unlike previous years, there is no hustle to rush through the registration process this year.

After being selected randomly, applicants can purchase their tickets. The cost for the two-day event for developers is set at $900 while student and teachers can fetch their tickets for mere $300. As reported earlier, the event will take place in Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA.

Things To Remember During Registration

Applicants need to have an active Google+ account, using which the registration will be initiated. Google will require all mandatory fields to be filled in with correct details and continue towards purchasing the ticket via Google Wallet. The transaction will not be carried out until the applicant is selected, but a pre-authorization will be placed to ensure sufficient funds are available.

Refunds will be given to ticket holders before June 1 and tickets cannot be transferred or resold. A photo ID card is mandatory to collect your Google I/O badge during check-in, Google says in its Help page.

For those who cannot make it to the conference, fret not, Google will set up a live stream broadcast of the keynote and also schedule an I/O Extended event in other areas. The company will release more details about extended programs in the coming days.

Lucky, Google, Selling, 2014, Tickets, Via, Lottery
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