Alabama Congressional Candidate, Will Brooke, Shoots At Copy Of Obamacare

In a campaign ad posted to YouTube, Republican congressional candidate Will Brooke took shots at paper copies of the Affordable Care Act, Fox News reported.

"We're down here to have a little fun today to talk about two serious subjects" Brooke says in the beginning of the video, titled "Let's Do Some Damage."

"We had some fun, and knocked some holes in it, but we didn't quite get the job done."

After shooting at the legislation to the tune of country music, Brooke places the paper in a wood shredder.

"Looks like we will have to resort to more extreme measures to get rid of Obamacare and replace it with a market based solution."

Brooke is running to replace Republican Rep. Spencer Bachus, who represents the state's 6th District.

You can watch the video below: