Foster Care Author and Family Arrested For Physically Abusing Adopted Daughters

A foster care book author from Las Vegas was arrested and charged Wednesday for abusing three adopted daughters, court document showed.

Janet Solander, 53, a foster mother refused to provide food to her daughters after they wet the bed, did not allow them to use the bathroom and beat them with a stick, the documents read. She was charged with multiple counts of child abuse and sexual assault. Husband Dwight Solander, 50, and daughter Danielle Hinton, 21, were also charged with abuse.

Janet has written a book titled 'Foster Care: How to Fix this Corrupted System.' It was self-published through iUniverse and sold online.

The three victimized girls, aged 9, 11 and 12, were placed in the foster care of the Solander family in 2010 and adopted in 2011, according to police reports. The Associated Press reports that the Solanders also looked after four foster children who were removed Feb. 27 after allegations of physical risk cropped up. Following this, Child Protective Services officials were informed that the three adopted girls were sent to a Florida boarding school.

The three sisters confirmed the allegations after CPS officials contacted them. They said that the Solanders abused them physically. They also feared that their adoptive mother would kill them if they returned to Las Vegas.

The police report stated that Janet used a timer and did not allow the girls to use the bathroom until it went off. One of the girls said if they had bathroom accidents, Janet would make them put their dirty underwear in their mouths, reports Las Vegas Review-Journal.

The torture did not end there. In order to punish the sisters for any mistake Janet would force them to take showers in cold water, pour ice water and make them dry with a large fan, the police report states. One girl was scarred after Janet poured hot water on her. The document also revealed that the adopted daughters were made to sleep with just their inners on and were not provided with any blankets or sheets.

Furthermore, the Solanders used CCTV to keep a check on their adopted daughters. Janet monitored them with a cell phone. The girls also told investigators that Janet would use a catheter on them and beat them they urinated

As if that wasn't enough, Janet's husband, Dwight, also hit the girls with a wooden paint stick on one occasion, the police report said. Hinton was also accused of hitting the girls with the stick, but she refuted the allegations during police interrogations.

All the three accused have been kept in Clark County jail and are scheduled to appear in court April 8 for preliminary hearing.