Teen Tattoos McDonald’s Receipt on Arm

How much can one love McDonald's? Ask this Norwegian teen who tattooed a McDonald's receipt on his am.

Stian Ytterdahl, 18, was coerced into getting the tattoo as his friends wanted to punish him for being "too active with the ladies". They wanted him to either get a Barbie tattoo on his butt or something related to fast-food on arm.

So Stian went ahead with the fast-food related tattoo and got the McDonald's receipt tattooed on his right arm. "Now I'm a living billboard," he told Romereskes Blad, a local news outlet. "It's fun to think about that I have a tattoo no one else has ever seen before. Even the date and time is on my arm." But he points out that it will longer be fun when he turns 50 or 60 years old. "But it's my choice (to have tattoo done)."

The 'McTattoo' shows the bill for his most recent purchase of a soda, cheeseburger and 'nonstop Flurry.'

Even the McDonald' store put up the photo of Stian's tattoo on their Facebook page. For the negative comments he received, Stian says it does not bother him. "I do not care about the negative comments. It is also reassuring to know that even my mom has given me a 'like.' I'm unsure of what my dad will say, he is not on social medias," he confessed.

McDonalds Norway Communications Director, Margaret Brusletto, said to the press that she was surprised that someone had gone ahead with something like a tattoo of the menu. "I cannot say that I think anything other than that this is terrific. This is a loyal customer," she added.